
Get Started

Because of you and the important work you do, thousands of schools, students and communities are able to keep the process of education going daily, despite inevitable planned and unplanned interruptions that take place. We are grateful for all that you do.

Employee Center

Substitute Scheduling

Accept, modify and schedule substitute assignments.

Substitute Training

Complete Public School Works online safety training.


View paystubs, pay calendars, Form W2 Wage and Tax Statement.

Employee Forms

Access documents and tutorials related to your work.

Our Commitment

We are only as good as the people we employ. Sending knowledgeable and trained substitutes into the school communities we are proud to serve is a top priority. We are committed to providing you with the tools you need to succeed.

What I love about working here is getting to know the amazing district clients we support. It's very rewarding to build a relationship with a district, where we have the same goal and work together to achieve that goal.
Rachael Hutcheison
Compliance Manager