My favorite part about working for Dedicated School Staffing is the ability to consistently grow and learn not only from the work I do, but the people I work with. Everyone has unique and influential talents within our organization that makes the work flow together nicely and that much more enjoyable.
Pay Calendars
Explore pay calendars for the school year at your fingertips. Stay informed and plan ahead with easy access to our comprehensive schedules.
2024-2025 Pay Calendars
Avon Lake City Schools
Barberton City Schools
Bay Village City Schools
BVIU #27 (New Horizon School)
Bio-Med Science Academy
Black River Local Schools
Bowling Green City Schools
Columbiana Ex. Village Schools
Copley-Fairlawn City Schools
Coshocton City Schools
Cuyahoga Falls City Schools
Danbury Local Schools
Deer Park Community City Schools
Edison Local Schools
ESC of Lake Erie West
Green Local Schools
Huron City Schools
L. Hollingworth School for the Talented and Gifted
Lake Local Schools
Lakewood City Schools
Lawrence Schools
Lisbon Ex. Village Schools
Lorain City Schools
Margaretta Local Schools
Nordonia Hills City Schools
North Point ESC
Northwest Ohio ESC
Orange City Schools
Pike-Delta-York Local Schools
Perkins Local Schools
Putnam County ESC
Reading Community City Schools
Reynoldsburg City Schools
Rocky River City Schools
Shaker Heights City Schools
South Euclid Lyndhurst Schools
Springfield Local Schools
Three Rivers Local Schools
Triway Local Schools
Van Buren Local Schools
Vanlue Local Schools
Vermilion Local Schools
Wauseon Ex. Village Schools
West Clermont Local Schools
Youngstown City Schools